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How Does Build Buddy Services Work?

Unlock the full potential of your homebuilding projects with Build Buddy Services. A service provided within the Build Buddy app.

Build Buddy Services brings together a special team of experts you can only find through the Build Buddy app. Whether you need a Construction Buddy or an Architect, our friendly specialists are here ready to support you in your home-building journey.

How It Works with Build Buddy Services - Download App 1.

Don't Have the App?

Download Today

Build Buddy is revolutionising the home building industry with an intelligent platform that allows YOU to design, approve and build your new home without ever having to engage a builder.

How It Works with Build Buddy Services - App store icon.
How It Works with Build Buddy Services - Google play icon.
How It Works with Build Buddy Services - Download App.
How It Works - Request Quotes Promptly image.

Request a Quote

When a task is ready to start on the Build Buddy app, select the Task and click the "Request Quotes" button. By clicking this button, it initiates the quoting process.


Receive Build Buddy Service Quotes Automatically

If Build Buddy Services is available for your area, your quote request will automatically be received by our team.

You will receive a quote from the Build Buddy Services team, along with quotes from any other contractors or consultants who are available. Your detailed Build Buddy quote will outline the scope of work, timelines and costs.

How It Works - Review Quotes image.
How It Works - Review Quotes image 1.
How It Works - Select Build Buddy Services.

Select Build Buddy Services

When you have reviewed all the quotes, it is time to choose!

Choose Build Buddy Services!

We ensure quality, value and reliability

If you are satisfied, accept the quote, and watch as Build Buddy Services transforms your project.


Integrated Approach

Our integrated approach ensures smooth communication and project management, making your homebuilding journey enjoyable and stress-free.

How It Works - Communication tool image.
How It Works - Mock up update.
How It Works - Quality control image.

Quality Control

Once work has been completed, our team will ensure that the work we provide to you goes through a quality check.

With the Build Buddy app and services in your toolkit, sit back and watch your dream home come to life.

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